Essentials for Your Lightovation Calendar

The upcoming January Lightovation show is a convenient opportunity to add a valuable educational session or networking event to your schedule. 

Here are some of the sessions and events happening during Lightovation. View the chronological schedule here.

Need to earn CLC credits for 2024? ALA is offering two free sessions on lighting controls featuring renowned lighting and controls experts from The Lighting Agora Clifton Stanley Lemon, IES, CEO, Clifton Lemon and Associates, and C. Webster March, CLCP, owner, Penumbra Controls.

These seminars will dive into design principles of lighting controls, terminology, and key things to consider when choosing a lighting control system.

The seminars will be held in ALA and DMC’s joint meeting space, The SMART Center, Suite 4826, in the Dallas Trade Mart on Thursday, Jan. 11.  ALA members can pre-register for the courses to earn CLC credit, or sign in on-site. A full schedule of events during Lightovation is available online here. 

Residential Lighting Controls: The Case for Design (Part 1)
Date: Thursday, Jan. 11
Time: 11 a.m. – 12 p.m.
Instructor: Clifton Stanley Lemon, IES, CEO, Clifton Lemon Associates
Residential lighting controls can present challenges for even the most basic of installations. This two-part session will discuss what you need to know about lighting controls, plus how to approach designing practical, code-compliant residential lighting controls that enhance the beauty, value, and energy-efficiency of residential spaces. The session is intended for designers, specifiers, sales and showroom personnel, and is an introduction to the design principles of lighting controls, common terminology, what is important and why, and guidance on how to discuss lighting controls in meetings. At the end of this session, participants will be able to use fundamental principles of lighting controls that deliver residential spaces that meet owners’ requirements, adhere to code requirements, and deliver beautiful light.

Pre-register Here

How Do I Dim My Lights? Designing for Modern Residential Lighting Controls Solutions (Part 2)
Date: Thursday, Jan. 11
Time: 2 p.m. – 3 p.m.
Instructor: C. Webster Marsh, CLCP, Owner, Penumbra Controls
Expanding upon the introductory Part 1 session Residential Lighting Controls: The Case for Design, this session is more in-depth, providing a review of lighting control documentation and terminology as well as guidance on selecting and designing a lighting control system.

Pre-register Here


Wednesday, January 10

ALA Showroom Networking Event
4 p.m.
ALA Headquarters (TM 4818)

The ALA Showroom Steering Committee is excited to host a networking event, open to all showrooms attending Lightovation. Join us for an open bar and refreshments while you meet fellow showrooms from across the United States and Canada. Plus, hear about the latest programs ALA is offering and learn how you can get the most out of your ALA membership. 

Women in Lighting Reception
5 p.m.
Eurofase Showroom (TM 4002)

The ALA Women in Lighting (WIL) Committee will host its popular networking reception at 5 p.m. on Wednesday, January 10. The event is sponsored by Eurofase and will take place in the company’s newly renovated Trade Mart showroom (TM 4002). Reminder: Leadership Award nominations will be accepted through January.

Thursday, January 11

Young Executives Event
5 - 6 p.m.
Progress Lighting (TM 3840)

All Lightovation attendees, regardless of age or ALA membership, are invited to join the ALA Young Executives group for refreshments and networking. Come meet the future leaders of the lighting industry and hear what ALA has planned for 2024.

ALA Committee meetings will be hosted during the following times during Lightovation and after the event virtually.

Wednesday, Jan. 10

Manufacturers’ Representative Steering Committee
8 - 9 a.m.
ALA Conference Room (TM 4818)

Education Foundation Committee
10 - 11 a.m. 
ALA Conference Room (TM 4818)

Showroom Steering Committee Meet & Greet!
4 - 5 p.m. 
ALA Office (TM 4818)
Come enjoy refreshments and learn about ALA’s showroom programs and benefits, find out how you can get involved, and hear our goals for 2024!

Thursday, Jan. 11

Marketing & PR Committee
7:45 - 9 a.m.
The SMART Center Committee Room (TM 4826)

Public Policy Committee
10 - 11 a.m.
Virtual Meeting

Friday, Jan. 12

Board of Governors
8 - 10 a.m.
The SMART Center Board Room (TM 4826)

Wednesday, Jan. 17

Education Committee
1 - 2 p.m.
Virtual Meeting

Tuesday, Jan. 23
Showroom Steering Committee
1 - 2 p.m.
Virtual Meeting

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