New Year Brings New ALA Website

New Year Brings New ALA Website

The new and improved ALA website will formally launch this January. The highly anticipate website redesign features an upgraded education platform, improved navigation, and a great deal of new content for both members and consumers alike.

"We had originally planned to launch the website late last year," said ALA Executive Vice President Larry Lauck. "However, as we developed the site, new ideas also developed, which required additional production time. We are excited to now bring something to our members that is truly designed to improve their membership experience and serve as a valuable industry resource."

The website content will be continuously updated and enhanced over time. The new site brings ALA’s online presence to the next level, allowing for up-to-date industry and association news coverage, as well as increased accessibility across all platforms.

All members will receive an email on the new website with information on how to access content, frequently asked questions and answers, details on the latest upgrades and more. In the meantime, members are encouraged to check out page 6 for a few of the top new features on the site, and ideas on how ALA’s new online content can be integrated into their businesses.

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