ALA Expands Digital Content Available to Showroom Members
As a part of ALA’s BiNational Advertising and PR Program, the association produces an array of digital content designed to help showroom members communicate and connect with customers, as well as stay up to date on ALA’s latest activities and offerings.
At the end of 2018, ALA staff, with the guidance of the association’s executive committee, developed the 2019 Action Agenda. The Action Agenda sets the course for the association’s activities and initiatives for the coming year. As part of this year’s plan, the BiNational Advertising and PR Program will support association efforts to increase its offering of digital content for members and consumers alike.
ALA Blog
The ALA blog focuses on consumer-driven lighting content, such as design ideas, the latest trends, technical resources, and showroom details to assist in the lighting shopping process. Special focus in 2019 will be devoted to producing fresh content on the blog on a regular basis, allowing consumers to utilize the site as a lighting resource, and providing a vast library of content for ALA members to share with their customers. The ALA blog can be viewed online at
Lighting Fundamentals
The lighting fundamentals section of the ALA website is full of tips, ideas, technical information and answers to frequently asked questions. This section is continuously updated and is an excellent resource for members to share with their customers as they are shopping, planning and purchasing lighting products. These pages can be found online at
Design Videos
Each year, the ALA BiNational Advertising and PR Program produces lighting design trend videos in partnership with Better Homes & Gardens Special Interest Media. These videos feature ALA-member manufacturers sharing information on the hottest trends and design ideas of the year. Members can share these videos over their websites, social media and email marketing campaigns. Members can view available videos on ALA’s YouTube page, or online at
Social Media
In addition to creating and sharing content over the association website, this year, the ALA team developed a detailed social media campaign to help engage members and assist with their social media outreach. Members are encouraged to follow the association over its social media pages to find helpful tips on sharing ALA’s blog, lighting fundamentals, and design videos. ALA will also be producing videos, useful how-to documents and other member-focused materials to make it easier for showroom members in their efforts to utilize ALA’s content and programming.