Press Releases

ALA produces press releases throughout the year, which are distributed through PR Newswire to major publications. The releases focus on promoting the sale and proper application of quality lighting, ceiling fan and control products to consumers. Members of ALA are encouraged to share these releases on their websites, blogs and across social media platforms. They can also be shared with local media. 

Media Contacts


Larry Lauck
Executive Vice President
214.698.9898, ext. 227



Raelle Bell
Marketing Manager
214.698.9898, ext. 233



Amy Wommack
Communications Manager
214.698.9898, ext. 223



Reasons to go to the ALA Conference

Reasons to go to the ALA Conference

Lake Tahoe, September 10 - 12

Every ALA member who attends the annual conference has their unique reasons for attending. We went to the ALA members and staff to ask them how attending the conference in Lake Tahoe, September 10 - 12 can help their business.

See their reasons, and scroll down to find out how to add your reasons.




Tell us your reasons, using your phone or any computer with a camera.


To make a Conference Testimonial, go to

You will answer four questions, one at a time:

  • Introduce yourself, and the company you work for.

  • Why do you come to the ALA Conference?

  • Tell us one great story from a previous conference.

  • If you plan to go, please say "I'm going!  Are you?" Alternatively, you can add any additional  thoughts about the ALA Conference.

