Press Releases

ALA produces press releases throughout the year, which are distributed through PR Newswire to major publications. The releases focus on promoting the sale and proper application of quality lighting, ceiling fan and control products to consumers. Members of ALA are encouraged to share these releases on their websites, blogs and across social media platforms. They can also be shared with local media. 

Media Contacts


Larry Lauck
Executive Vice President
214.698.9898, ext. 227



Raelle Bell
Marketing Manager
214.698.9898, ext. 233



Amy Wommack
Communications Manager
214.698.9898, ext. 223



ALA Advertising and PR Program Announces 2023 Lighting Magazine

ALA Advertising and PR Program Announces 2023 Lighting Magazine

Manufacturer Image Submissions Due by Nov. 18, 2022

The ALA Advertising and PR Program recently announced the association will enter its 17th year in partnership with DotDash Meredith and Better Homes & Gardens to produce Lighting magazine. Lighting is the only international consumer magazine dedicated to the residential lighting and ceiling fan industry and continues to be one of DotDash Meredith’s top-selling publications on newsstands. 

The 2023 issue will again exclusively feature images provided by ALA-member manufacturers who support the association’s Advertising and PR Program and/or purchase ad space in Lighting. The deadline to submit images, or request an extension, is Nov. 18, 2022. 

Available in April 2023, the magazine will highlight inspirational design, practical information, and an integration of products and rooms for style-conscious buyers. Lighting will be sold on highly targeted newsstands throughout the U.S. and Canada and be available to ALA-member showrooms to inspire and guide customers. 

Guidelines to submit images can be found here. This year, the publishers have advised that images featuring kitchens, bathrooms, outdoor spaces, living spaces, dining spaces, bedrooms and specialty spaces like media rooms, mudrooms, offices, closets, etc., may be featured in this year’s publication. 

Members interested in learning more about Lighting magazine and supporting the ALA Advertising and PR Program may contact Larry Lauck at or Amy Wommack at Lauck and Wommack can also be contacted to discuss ad sale opportunities in the 2023 issue of Lighting, which are exclusively available to ALA-member manufacturers. 

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