DOE Initiates Standards Work for Ceiling Fans
The Department of Energy (DOE) released a preliminary technical support document (TSD) that includes its analysis of potential energy savings from ceiling fans. Publication of this document marks the beginning stages of the rulemaking process. Over the course of the rulemaking process, DOE, with input from industry and advocates, will determine whether amended energy conservation standards for ceiling fans are technically feasible or economically justified.
ALA’s ceiling fan task force is meeting and reviewing the nearly 350-page document in anticipation of a March 16 public meeting and April 11 comment deadline.
Feedback from the task force is that the TSD indicates that a DC-only standard is technically feasible and economically justified. ENERGY STAR® made the same assumption when developing Ceiling Fan Specification Version 4.0. The result of that determination caused a 70-percent reduction of ENERGY STAR® rated fans in the marketplace. ALA ceiling fan manufacturers are working with DOE to ensure a similar reduction does not occur.
ALA will continue to update members on the progress made, reviewing and responding to the TSD as well as future regulatory developments regarding ceiling fans and ceiling fan test procedures.