Upcoming CLC Credit Live Webinars
Don’t miss any of ALA’s live webinars coming up this year. All webinars can be purchased on the ALA website. If you can’t make the scheduled time, you can always purchase the webinar and watch the recorded version at your convenience.
Jan. 25
Customers are Asking: What is the Connection Between Lighting, Health and Circadian Rhythms?
Instructor: Joe Rey-Barreau, AIA, IES
Feb. 22
Getting More Impact with 2018 Showroom Marketing
Instructor: Mark Okun, LS
March 22
Getting it Right: Accent and Under-cabinet Lighting
Instructor: Peter Romaniello, IALD
April 19
Lighting for Visual Impact – Lighting Art and Features in the Home
Instructor: Dan Blitzer
May 17
What are the Challenges and Opportunities with Integrated vs. Non-integrated LED
Instructor: Joe Rey-Barreau, AIA, IES