ALA Releases Next Courses in Sales Training Program
This spring, ALA announced the release of the next two courses in the association’s 10-part sales training course series developed in partnership with Mark Okun, LS. Courses one through eight are now available online at for ALA members to purchase.
Course Seven
Course seven covers the topic of Building the Sale, which includes discussion on up-selling and side-selling to increase tickets and margins, maximizing every opportunity, minimizing and negating discounting, why and why not to discount and cross-selling by up-serving.
Course Eight
Course eight is a discussion on sales psychology, which covers the art of persuasion, the power of “yes” when selling, body language and eye contact, emotional and logical appeals, as well as the psychology behind why people love to buy.
The first six courses in the series are also available online. Courses can be purchased individually for $45 per course or in bundles of three at $117 per bundle. For more information or to purchase the courses, visit ALAMembers. com/Professional-Education/Sales-Training.