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ALA and DMC Seminars During Lightovation

ALA and DMC will again join forces to bring Lightovation attendees more educational opportunities. The ALA seminars will cost $49 for ALA members and are worth 1.5 CLC Credits. For details on these seminars or to register, visit americanlightingassoc.com or contact njuneau@americanlightingassoc.com.

ALA Seminars

Wednesday, Jan. 17
Design and Application Part I - Recessed Lights…They are Much More than Just a “Can”

Time: 12 - 1:30 p.m.
Instructor: Peter Romaniello, IALD, Owner, Conceptual Lighting, LLC
In this seminar participants will learn the following:
• How to analyze and compare difference recessed lights
• Techniques for proper use
• Proper placement and application
• How to avoid downfalls of relying on old, tired methods

Design and Application Part II – Layouts, Analysis and Justification
Time: 4 - 5:30 p.m.
Instructor: Peter Romaniello, IALD, Owner, Conceptual Lighting, LLC
In this seminar attendees will work on the actual layout lighting for various rooms, as well as work through and discuss the process and justification for their choices.
Participants are strongly encouraged to attend both parts of Romaniello’s discussion.

Friday, Jan. 19
Understanding Dimming

Time: 8 - 9:30 a.m.
Instructor: Preston Gomez, LS, Sun Lighting
In this seminar participants will learn the following:
• Why we utilize dimmers and the advantages they provide
• How exactly a dimmer works
• Understanding the different types of loads
• Specifying the right type of dimmer
• De-rating and understanding wattages
• Some common misperceptions
• The future of dimming

DMC Seminars

Thursday, Jan. 18
Lightovation Merchandising Tours

Merchandising expert Paul Thompson will lead two merchandising tours highlighting outstanding displays among Lightovation exhibitors. In addition to providing visual inspiration, these tours will also explain how to achieve similar effects with more constraints on space and budget. Times and locations will be announced at a later date.

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