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ALA Young Executives Announces Group Book Study

During the Annual Conference in Vancouver, ALA Young Executives Committee Chair William Senofsky, regional sales director at LED Inspirations, announced the group’s first book study activity. The book study, designed to unite the members of ALA’s young executives group to further enhance their careers and positively impact the industry, will focus on “7 Habits of Highly Effective People” by Steven R. Covey.

In Vancouver, Senofsky spoke to the Young Executives group about guiding the members into a growth mindset. “A growth mindset is believing that your skill, abilities and intellect can be grown through hard work and dedication,” explains Senofsky. “This mindset creates a love for learning and a resilience that is essential for great success. It is our hope this book study will guide us as we learn and grow into the future leaders of this industry.” To support this book study activity, the Young Executives group will be hosting eight webinar-style meetings throughout the year for participants to discuss what they are learning. During the 2018 ALA Annual Conference in Asheville, N.C., Sept. 24-26, the group will meet for a final presentation and discussion.

Additional details on reading assignments and meeting times will be sent out to members via email. ALA is providing free copies of the book for the study. All ALA members under the age of 40, or those interested in helping support the younger leaders in the industry, are welcome to participate in this study. Those wishing to obtain a copy of “7 Habits of Highly Effective People” may contact ALA Marketing Manager Raelle Bell at rbell@americanlightingassoc.com with their name and mailing address.

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