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ALA Releases 2017 Policy Book

ALA’s newly rebranded Government Engagement Committee and the Canadian Affairs Committee recently released the 2017 Government Engagement Policy Book.


This year’s book seeks to address the rising challenges impacting the lighting industry. The new political winds that have swept across Washington, D.C., have brought great uncertainty to nearly every federal issue. Access to healthcare, government regulations that establish federal preemption, availability of a skilled workforce and protecting the importation of goods into our country have all come under scrutiny.


The 2017 policy book puts the issue of trade and the importation of quality goods at an affordable price first and foremost. ALA believes that it is extremely short sighted to establish a policy that is built on economic what-ifs. ALA’s manufacturers work hard to produce beautiful and efficient products and they should not be penalized for being an importer over being an exporter.


As indicated in the customer satisfaction survey, consumers are turning to the online marketplace to purchase lighting because of the sales tax advantage. Once again, ALA is pushing for a permanent end to the online sales tax loophole to level the playing field for brick-and-mortar and online retailers.


The policy book also addresses the issue of California’s bulb-in-the-box requirement. ALA believes it is time for the State of California to abolish this requirement, especially now given that only high-efficacy lighting is available in the marketplace.


The issue of harmonization is an ongoing effort. ALA has strong leaders pushing for the continued progress on the harmonization front. Those leaders will be active in 2017 to ensure the lighting industry is protected as Natural Resources Canada works through the amendment harmonization process.


Throughout 2017, ALA members and staff will be engaging with our many government partners, sharing the positions outlined in the policy book. Members are invited to participate in the Annual Fly-in to Washington, D.C., May 17-18.


To read the entire 2017 Government Engagement Policy Book, visit the Government Engagement portion of the ALA website. For more information or to RSVP for the Annual Fly-in to Washington, D.C., email mweems@americanlightingassoc.com.

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