ALA Government Engagement Update
A Busy Start to the New Year
ALA’s government engagement efforts for 2023 began with a rush. Members engaged in the comment process on four different rulemakings and participated at a public meeting on a new proposal on GSLs. Also, ALA would like remind members about the upcoming federal certification deadline for ceiling fans and ceiling fan light kits. Find more details below on all of these activities.
EPA Proposes to sunset ENERGY STAR Lighting Program
Due to the adoption of LEDs and government regulations, the Environmental Protection Agency came to the determination that the ENERGY STAR lighting program was no longer the best use of resources.
EPA’s proposal
ALA’s comments in support of the proposal
CEC Proposes to eliminate Requirements for Portable Luminaires
Citing similar reasons as the EPA, the California Energy Commission put forth a proposal to effectively eliminate the bulb-in-the-box the requirements for portable luminaires.
CEC’s Proposal
ALA’s comments in support of the proposal
USTR Continues Review of Section 301 Tariffs
The Office of the United States Trade Representative has moved into Phase 2 of its review of the Section 301 tariffs on products coming from China. Phase 2 allows entities that have been negatively impacted by the tariffs the opportunity to make their case for ending the tariffs.
ALA’s comments opposing the tariffs
FTC proposes changes to the ENERGY GUIDE Label
The Federal Trade Commission put forth a proposal to amend the ENERGY GUIDE label for ceiling fans and other consumer product categories.
FTC’s Proposal
ALA’s comments
DOE Proposes New Metrics for GSLs
The Department of Energy recently published a proposal calling for an increase in the efficiency of GSLs. ALA’s members participated in a public meeting on Feb. 1st and will submit comments prior to the March 27 deadline.
DOE’s proposal
CF and CFLK Certification – 1 Month Away
March 1, 2023 is the due date for annual certification to DOE’s CCMS website for ceiling fans and ceiling fan light kits. This year is notable because DOE is requiring the use of new templates that require additional data points than previous versions.
ALA strongly encourages manufacturers to review the new templates and to begin the certification process as early as possible to avoid confusion or missed deadlines.
The new ceiling fan template is v5.8 and the new ceiling fan light kit template is v5.0.
Download the templates.