Press Releases

ALA produces press releases throughout the year, which are distributed through PR Newswire to major publications. The releases focus on promoting the sale and proper application of quality lighting, ceiling fan and control products to consumers. Members of ALA are encouraged to share these releases on their websites, blogs and across social media platforms. They can also be shared with local media. 

Media Contacts


Larry Lauck
Executive Vice President
214.698.9898, ext. 227



Raelle Bell
Marketing Manager
214.698.9898, ext. 233



Amy Wommack
Communications Manager
214.698.9898, ext. 223



Calling All Connected Products: 2022 Integrated Home Competition Launches

The CEE Integrated Home Competition rewards market leaders whose connected home solutions not only provide energy savings and load management capability, but also deliver upon consumer expectations for interoperability, reliability, and simplicity. Innovative industry leaders gain recognition through endorsement and promotion from Competition Sponsors.

Residential end uses covered in the 2022 Competition span electric and natural gas equipment. Eligible products include heating and cooling equipment, thermostats, water heaters, pool pumps, plug load controls, window attachments, lighting and lighting controls, ceiling fans, electric vehicle supply equipment, home appliances, and other connected home devices that successfully deliver a positive consumer experience, energy management, and load management capabilities.

Gain Exposure for Your Company’s Innovation

The Integrated Home Competition rewards manufacturers of solutions that advance the CEE Integrated Home vision. Award winners receive credible third-party promotion and recognition through webinars, press releases to both consumer and trade publications, the Integrated Home Competition website, presence at key industry events, and additional promotion by Competition Sponsors. In addition, CEE member efficiency program administrators may choose to recommend winning entries to their customers and contractors or consider pilot programs. All entrants receive insight and direction on future utility needs.

Evaluation Products are evaluated through a two-phase process: screening by the Competition Sponsors and a live assessment of the finalists by a Judging Panel comprised of individuals with expertise in usability, interoperability, IDSM program administration, product or system installation, specific technology performance, and promotion. Entries are judged against the following criteria: 

- Energy Savings and Greenhouse Gas (GHG) Emissions Reduction
- Functionality
- Load Management 
- Data Sharing
- Interoperability
- Reliability
- Ease of Installation, Set Up, and Use
- Cybersecurity
- Quality of Design and Engineering
- Innovation 

The Judging Panel may reward entries that exhibit other desirable characteristics such as relevance for underserved audiences (assisting in achieving energy equity objectives), accessible design, future proofing, niche applications, and field serviceability. All entrants will receive direct feedback from the Competition Sponsors or from the expert Judging Panel.

For complete guidelines and information on how to enter, please visit, join our upcoming webinar on how to enter, or contact

