Lighting the Home Office - New Opportunities

Lighting for Home Office spaces has become increasingly more important as a result of the recent events where people are required to work from home. More and more people are carving out work spaces and realize that the lighting is poor because it was intended for a very different kind of home living space.  


A few of the many things to consider…


Daylighting in relation to desk/furniture placement

Visual tasks and work flow

Color of Light Sources / Potential importance of tunable white lighting

Control of glare and reflected light

Amount of Light

Effects of lighting on the office occupant during video meetings

Health and wellbeing


Solutions will be discussed for rooms that have daylight (windows and skylights) as well as rooms that have no direct access to daylight.  There are simple and more complex solutions for both types of spaces that will help you raise the value of lighting for you and your customers.

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