Line & Portfolio Analysis

Scott Lindberg | President, Quell Corporation

Line & Portfolio Analysis
Scott Lindberg | President, Quell Corporation 
CLMR Credit 

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Your product lines are key to your success and understanding what they mean to you and your company is crucial. In this session you will learn a variety of ways to look and evaluate your principals/manufacturers so you can make important decisions about where you invest your companies time and energy. For over 20 years Scott Lindberg has been sharing unique methods to assess the product lines you represent to determine a measure of profitability.  In the end you will come away with actionable tools you can use for years to come to make profitable decisions. Driving your revenue and profitability while managing your costs is paramount to your success.


Scott has extensive experience on both the rep and manufacturer side of the relationship, having spent more than 20 years as a rep (and rep firm owner) and the past 18 years as a manufacturer. Today he is President for Quell Corporation in Albuquerque, New Mexico - a manufacturer of EMI filters and transient protection products for connectors.  Prior to his current role, Scott was Area Sales Manager and VP of Worldwide Sales and Marketing Operations for Microsemi's Power Products Group, later moving into the role of VP of Sales and Marketing Operations for Microsemi Corporate.   He is a visiting professor at the University of Texas, Austin, where he teaches multiple CPMR certification courses, including “Line Profitability Analysis,” “Understanding Your Manufacturer” and more. He has been a member and officer of the CPMR Board of Governors, Member of MRERF's executive committee, served on the ERA National Board and Executive Committee.  Scott has presented at past ERA National Conferences as well as many other national associations sharing his innovative sales and marketing approach. 


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