The Most Unique Keynote Ever
Shawna Suckow
Women in Lighting Event
The Most Unique Keynote Ever
Sponsored by Dallas Market Center
4:30 - 6 p.m.
Shawna Suckow
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A bold statement? Yes. Experience this session and decide for yourself! This session is the antidote for business-as-usual when the conference is over. Rather than sitting and listening passively, Shawna will make all of you part of this session! Together, we’ll share some good news, some great conversations, and some action steps toward our future success and resilience. Sound good? Join Shawna Suckow as she lead us in small-group discussions where you’re guaranteed to get new inspiration, share some of your own brilliance, brainstorm current challenges, have a few laughs, and walk away with new connections. You’ll also create action steps and accountability to put your best conference takeaways to work in the upcoming year. She’ll then close the session with a selfassessment so you can ensure that every day throughout the next year is the best it can be under your own unique circumstances – whatever they may be. You’ll face the next 12 months feeling more empowered than ever. Put your conference investment to work – don’t miss this!
Shawna Suckow, CSP (Certified Speaking Professional), CVP (Certified Virtual Presenter), is a speaker with some serious knowledge of the customer mindset. She spent 20 years as a corporate buyer in hospitality and tourism, observing marketing departments and their target customers. Along the way, Shawna became intrigued with how customers of all kinds were evolving and responding to (or ignoring!) marketing efforts. She began sharing this insider information to audiences to pull back the curtain, so to speak. She realized that when these professionals had the up-to-the-minute understanding of their customers’ mindsets, they could break through the noise more effectively. Her research and insights have never been more timely or necessary than today. The pandemic has changed consumers more deeply and quickly than any other time in history. Shawna has shared her research on 5 continents in 17 countries, using real case studies and data interpreted with candor and humor. She’s especially proud that her 5th book, The Roaring 20s, was featured in Forbes as a top marketing book of 2022.