Title 20 Sales Ban
Last month, the California Energy Commission (CEC) voted to ignore federal preemption and expand the definition for general service lamps (GSL). Thus, beginning Jan. 1, 2020, it will be against the law in California to sell nearly all GSLs with an efficacy of less than 45 lumens per watt (lpw).
Typical GSLs were already covered by an existing standard in California. In September, the Department of Energy issued a final rule establishing federal preemption over California’s standard.
By way of retaliation, CEC’s November action affirmed the existing California definition and added several additional lamp types to the GSL definition. In California, the following lamp types are now also subject to the 45lpw requirement:
Reflector lamps
Globe lamps
Candle/flame lamps
Rough service lamps
Shatter resistant lamps
3-way incandescent lamps
Vibration service lamps
All lamps subject to the regulations are required to meet testing, marking and performance metrics outlined in Title 20.
Again, the new requirements constitute a sales ban and showrooms should be prepared to face legal consequences if the sale of prohibited product continues.
To learn more about the coming changes, members are encouraged to register for a Title 20 webinar hosted by Energy Code Ace. The webinar is scheduled to take place tomorrow, Dec. 12.
Register here.