President's Letter - January 2017

January 2017
Eric Jacobson, CAE
 President and CEO
American Lighting Association
All courses will be held in WTC 345. With the exception of Friday's free seminar, all are worth 1.5 CLC Credit Hours, and the fee for ALA
members is $49.
Wednesday, Jan. 18
How LED Lighting is Opening New Opportunities for Showrooms to Expand into the Commercial Lighting Market
Joe Rey-Barreau, AIA, IES
Time: 4 - 5:30 p.m.
Sponsored by:
Hubbardton Forge
Thursday, Jan. 19
Why, How and Where are Local, Regional
and National Home Builders Adopting
LED Lighting?
I nstructor: 
Joe Rey-Barreau, AIA, IES
Time: 8 - 9:30 a.m.
Sponsored by:
Creating Strategies
that Work
Instructor:  Mark Okun, LS
Time: 4 - 5:30 p.m.
Sponsored by:
Friday, Jan. 20
Building Brand You
Instructor:  Mark Okun, LS
Time: 8 - 9:30 a.m.
Sponsored by:
Hinkley Lighting
What ALA Members Need to Know about EMI, the FCC and LED Lighting Product Regulations
Instructor: William Hurst of the FCC
Time: 11 a.m. - Noon
Credit: 1 CLC Hour
Sponsored by: 
AFX, Inc.
Upcoming Webinars
Thursday, Feb. 23
Let's Talk about the 
Color of Light!
I nstructor:  Jeff Dross
Time: 11 a.m., CST
Credit: 1 CLC Hour
Cost: $39
2017 is already in full swing and we are excited to see many members at Lightovation this week in Dallas. As highlighted in our Action Agenda, connection is a key theme in 2017. Whether it's members sharing and learning together through our seminars, Annual Conference and training programs, or lighting becoming a key component in our connected world, these seismic shifts are allowing ALA to move the lighting industry forward from a product-based industry that serves a need to one that helps create an experience that impacts one's overall health, well-being and safety. 
ALA has scheduled more than 18 committee, board and foundation meetings, as well as a number of educational offerings. We have scheduled the following seminars: How LED Lighting is Opening New Opportunities for Showrooms to Expand into the Commercial Lighting Market; Why, How and Where are Local, Regional and National Home Builders Adopting LED Lighting; and two sales training seminars titled Creating Strategies that Work and Building Brand You.
ALA also recently added a free member seminar titled What ALA Members Need to Know about EMI, the FCC and LED Lighting Product Regulations, sponsored by AFX, Inc. This seminar will feature William Hurst, chief of the technical research branch, Office of Engineering and Technology, FCC. The seminar will cover the key issues with LED lighting products and electromagnetic interference (EMI) and how the FCC is involved in regulating lighting products. 

For a list of ALA seminars and registration information, click here
ALA is also co-hosting an event for all industry members under the age of 40, who are invited to join the ALA Young Executives and ART Under 40 groups for Cheers with Peers. The event is sponsored by ALA, ART and the Dallas Market Center, and will be Thursday, Jan. 19 from 5 - 6 p.m. at the 28th ARTS Awards Exhibit in TM 2844. 
ALA Sales Training
ALA has partnered with Mark Okun, LS, and soon will release the first three courses in a 10-part webinar series on sales training. Each webinar will present the fundamental and foundational information needed in the retail selling process for lighting showrooms. However, we believe all members will benefit from this training. An email will be sent to ALA members when these courses are officially available for purchase. 
Lesson 1: Success Mindset
The Salesperson's Role in the 21st Century
Lesson 2: Today's Customer
Pre-selling: The Unseen Preparation Prior to
Customer Engagement
Lesson 3: Consumer Driven Process 
Starting the Sales Process
Connected Webinar Lighting Series
ALA kicked off our connected lighting free webinar series last year moderated with Terry McGowan, ALA's director of engineering and technology. We designed these webinars to give members both a technical view and cover the new opportunities created by connected lighting and controls. ALA began the series featuring Jon Sayah of Lights Fantastic Pro, discussing how LED lighting is creating opportunities in our new connected world. Mark Lien, industry relations manager, Illuminating Engineering Society, followed up with a session titled International Lighting Connectivity for Homes - What Will it Look Like? 
Our upcoming sessions will focus on cyber security (products and systems) and types of residential connected lighting systems and how they work. To view our first two free connected lighting webinars, click here, the links are listed towards the bottom of the page in our on-demand library. You do not need to log in to view them.
Government Engagement
Under President Obama, ALA cultivated many important relationships in an effort to advance our industry. The ALA engaged entities at all levels of the government to promote new energy-efficient technologies and to encourage harmonization with Canada. 
That work is now more important than ever as later this week, President-elect Donald Trump will take the oath of office to become the 45th President of the United States. Mr. Trump comes to power after a long campaign with much discussion about trade, healthcare, jobs and regulatory matters. ALA is engaged on these issues and as new legislative, regulatory and presidential actions are discussed over the next four years, the association will continue to lead on these and other issues that are important to its membership.
ALA Conference 
All of us at ALA are excited about the 2017 Annual Conference in Vancouver, B.C., and we are gearing up for a great program. I appreciate the fantastic Canadian support on the Conference Committee. I am also appreciative of the folks at Artcraft, who are organizing a Manufacturers' Representative Incentive Program for reps to earn their way to pay for their conference registration fees. We hope that other manufacturers will follow their lead.
To close up our 2016 cancellation negotiations, ALA has moved our 2019 Ashville Conference to 2021. By doing so, ALA was able to utilize a 50-percent credit of our 2016 cancellation penalty to be applied to our new 2019 Conference Location at the J.W. Marriott in Phoenix, Arizona. Both the El Conquistador and the J.W. Marriot (Phoenix) are Blackstone properties.
Lighting Magazine
I would like to thank the many ALA manufacturers who submitted product images for our upcoming spring ALA/Better Homes and Gardens Lighting magazine. I think you will be quite impressed with the enhancements made to this year's magazine. Advertising space is being reserved this month, so if you have not reserved your space, I encourage you to do so by the Feb. 2 deadline. For advertising opportunities, contact Larry Lauck at
I hope 2017 proves to be a prosperous year for you. Your membership and participation is the only way that ALA can remain a strong voice for the lighting and ceiling fan industry. Thank you for your continued support and dedication to ALA.  
Eric Jacobson, CAE
Eric Jacobson, CAE
President and CEO
American Lighting Association
