President's Letter - August 2017

August 2017
Eric Jacobson, CAE
President and CEO
American Lighting Association
Tourism Vancouver staff
and Eric Jacobson prepare
to welcome ALA members
to the 2017 conference.
ALA Annual Conference
Sept. 10-12, 2017
Hyatt Regency Vancouver
It is an exciting time as ALA’s Annual Conference is back. In just a few weeks, ALA will conduct its first conference in two years. We are looking forward to members convening in Vancouver, B.C., Sept. 10-12, 2017, and taking advantage of the meaningful program and networking opportunities.
We hope you are prepared for sessions that will expand your industry knowledge and business strategies during the conference. A few of those sessions are listed here:
  • Connect Home Panel: The Train has Left the Station. Are You on Board? Panelists:
  • Michael Smith, Vice President of Sales, Lutron Electronics Co.
  • David Kaiserman, President, Lennar Ventures
  • Gene LaNois, Head of Professional Channel, Nest Labs
  • Gerry Lynch, Founder System 7 Solutions & Partner, Wolfers Lighting
  • The Customer Experience – Accelerating Business Growth Through Remarkable Experiences
  • Ryan Estis, Chief Experience Officer, Ryan Estis & Associates
  • LEDs: Where We Stand Today (Not Necessarily Tomorrow)
  • Dealing with Cyber Threats Without Derailing Your Business
  • Connected Lighting – The Technical View
We encourage you to download the ALA Conference App now so that you can review all conference programs and set your schedule. To download the app, click here .
If you haven’t registered, there is still time - ALA 2017 Annual Conference .
To view the ALA Conference program,  click here.
Please note: Passport Needed - Everyone (children included) attending the ALA Conference in Vancouver MUST have a valid passport to enter Canada.
The ALA Engineering meeting took place Aug. 7-8, 2017, at the Lutron Experience Center in Washington, D.C. Terry McGowan, director of engineering & technology for ALA, led the two-day meeting with 26 ALA members participating in the discussion.
Topics included:
  • Department of Energy General Service Lamp Rulemaking (and DOE preemption)
  • California Title 20 and 24
  • DOE Ceiling Fans/Light Kit Rulemaking
  • California Proposition 65
  • Energy Star V2.1
  • Natural Resources Canada Amendments
  • Resilient Lighting
  • Federal Drug Administration’s Regulation on Radiation Emitting Electronic Devices and LEDs
  • Connected Lighting
  • UL, CSA Group, and Intertek news and standards updates
The meeting minutes and presentation documents will be soon placed on the ALA website under the engineering section of the member resources tab.
Terry was recently recognized by the Illuminating Engineering Society (IES) with the Louis B. Marks Award for his dedication and leadership in promoting the goals, values and heritage of the organization. McGowan’s efforts include guidance for the direction of lighting research and its dissemination to IES members and other lighting shareholders; leadership in advancing and communicating lighting quality; passion for lighting education; support for emerging professionals; and active participation in other lighting organizations that serve to enhance the national and global presence and influence of the IES.
Terry's voice of reason and compassion for people make him an admired ambassador for the IES and for the lighting industry. This is the second honor the IES has bestowed upon Terry as he also received the IES Lifetime Achievement award earlier in 2017.
ALA Website
ALA is undergoing a major website overhaul to improve the overall look, feel and utilization of the ALA website. The website design will incorporate a more designer-friendly site, which will significantly improve members’ and consumers’ experience and include customization of benefits by member category.
Joe Rey-Barreau, AIA, IES, education consultant for ALA and associate professor for the University of Kentucky School of Interior Design, led a panel of ALA members as they began revising the ALA Residential Lighting Training Course (RLTC) manual. While meeting Aug. 15-16 in Dallas at the ALA Seminar/Meeting center, the group made significant progress in the first phase of revising the manual.
Phase one consists of re vising information related to LED, regulation and ceiling fans. The group will work through the entire manual making updates where needed. More updates will be implemented to create updated options, such as webinar-based training and e-pub document viewing as well as hard-copy printing options.
The RLTC revision panel consists of the following ALA members:
  • Elise Severson, CLC, CLMR, partner, Lytestyles
  • Preston Gomez, showroom manager, Sun Lighting
  • Brody Foy, sales representative, Western Lighting
  • Laurie Gross, president, Gross Electric
Again, ALA is eager to head north to experience great Canadian hospitality in beautiful Vancouver. We look forward to interacting with ALA members during what will be a productive, forward-thinking conference benefiting the professional well-being of each attendee.
Eric Jacobson, CAE
President and CEO
American Lighting Association
